
Kris Pope

I am proud to say that I have grown up in, and called Vancouver home for most of my life. I have seen these breathtaking surroundings, mature and evolve over the years into a truly World Class City. It is here that I developed my passion for ALL things real estate — whether you are a first time homebuyer, looking to sell your property, or an experienced investor/developer, I can provide you with extensive market knowledge, interpretation and vision in both residential and commercial transactions. I also have a keen interest in new development and restoration for both single family and multifamily projects. As such I work closely with top-tier firms, who distinguish themselves with excellence in both residential and commercial applications and design. The bottom line for me is meeting the needs of my clients and achieving success for them in ANY project we engage in together. I take great pride in my work and will work tirelessly until the job is done, on every occasion!
  • Cell: 604-318-5226
  • Tel: 604-689-8226
  • Email: pope@dexterrealty.com
  • Address: 399 Homer St, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6B 5M9
  • Brokerage: Dexter Associates Realty

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